Sitemap - 2023 - The Healthcare Athlete

Purpose, Revisited

Avoiding Overwhelm by Breaking Down Tasks

Implementing The Polyvagal Informed Paradigm in Adverse Circumstances

The Zone of Tolerance

The Stable Platform

Biological Considerations of Burnout, Part 3

Biological Considerations of Burnout, Part 2

Biological Considerations of Burnout, Part 1

The Benefit of Polyvagal Informed Coaching

The Dynamic Nature of Our Attributes

Gratitude, Optimism, and Pessimism

The Incremental Benefit of Polyvagal Informed Training

Utilizing Technology to Optimize Recovery

Optimizing Recovery

Confidence from a Polyvagal Informed Perspective

Acknowledging The Situation


Breathing to Leverage Our Biology

On Becoming a Driver of our Experience

Recovery is a Continuous Process

Recommended Reading From the Healthcare Athlete

Flexibility and Resilience in the Nervous System

Peak vs Sustainable High Performance

The Small Moments Matter

The Dynamic Nature of Cues and Stimuli

Embodying the Polyvagal Informed Toolbox

The Polyvagal Informed Toolbox

Polyvagal Informed Training is More Than Self-Care

Beginner's Mind

Don't Believe the Hype

Exciting Update for the Practices of the Healthcare Athlete

Polyvagal Informed Healthcare

The Association Between HRV Biofeedback Training and Executive Functioning

The Vagal Break

Leveraging Our Biology Towards Living The Life We Want

Differentiating Ventral and Dorsal Vagal States to Promote Recovery

Managing Adversity to Promote Health and Wellbeing

Promoting Health and Wellbeing

The Importance of Routines

Measuring Physiological Parameters of Stress and Recovery

Redefining Our Relationship to Stress

The Impact of Polyvagal Informed Practice on Others

Ask Me Anything #1

Attention, Focus, Awareness, and Re-focusing

The Impact of Sleep on Recovery

Changing the Culture of Healthcare From a Polyvagal Perspective

The Effect of Vibration on Recovery

Physiological Effects of Breathing Patterns

The Application of Yoga and Polyvagal Theory

Polyvagal Theory Provides the Final Piece to the Puzzle

The Pursuit of Health and Wellbeing

Flow State and Polyvagal Theory